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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Racial Harmony Day is a day when we appreciate Singapore's racial cohesion. It is celebrated annually on 21 July in Singapore. The event is to commemorate a racial riot which took place on 21 July 1964.

Racial Harmony Day also represents a day for school to reflect on, and celebrate Singapore's success as a racially harmonious nation and society built on a rich diversity of culture and heritage. Students are encouraged to be dressed in their traditional costumes such as the Cheongsam and the Baju Kurung to school on that day. Some schools even organise food and fun fairs which deal in traditional games and food of the various races, having a fashion parade of traditional costumes of the different races, a sharing session by students of different races, traditional games, inter-ethnic cultural quiz, exhibition and sale of food of different cultures and traditions of Singapore.

As a multi-racial nation, Singapore needs to maintain social cohesion and hence prevent racial riots. As an individual, we need to contribute in one way or another. It is important for us to interact with people from other races. For example, we can celebrate Deepavali, Hari Raya Haji and Chinese New Year together with friends from different races. Through these activities, we can understand and appreciate other cultures more.

In conclusion, we live in a diverse nation made up of many different cultures, languages and races. We have to show respect for one another and together, to achieve racial harmony in Singapore.

source: http ://itclub.vs.moe.edu.sg/competition03/2003/eliaspark/4_citizen.htm

a butterfly landed @ 6:46 AM


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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"Prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of." Discuss.

I agree with the statement that prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of. First of all, I shall define the key phrases in this statement. 'Prejudice' is an opinion on someone or something that is not based on reson or experience. 'Disease' is contagious, harmful and hard to eradicate because of its root causes, and often it has side effects. 'Never get rid of' means to take action so that something or someone is no longer there to worry or annoy you.

Prejudice and discrimination are negative manifestations of integrative power. Instead of bringing or holding people together, prejudice and discrimination push them apart. It is especially destructive when it occurs on a large scale--as it did in Sri Lanka, or the Middle East--it also occurs on smaller scales as well, when one group holds negative stereotypes of another group and discriminates against members of that group based on those stereotypes. Prejudice is happening everywhere in every country. This phenomenon has been existing centuries ago, thus we can conclude that prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of.

Prejudice mostly happens in the United States. For example, 41% of the Whites believe that Muslim religion supports terrorism. Other examples include 46% of Hispanics and 41% of the Blacks believe thatAsian-Americans are crafty and devious based on Harris poll for NCCJ, 1994.

On September 11, 2001 attacks 4 planes hijacked and crashed into World Trade Center and The Pentagon by 19 hijackers. Nearly 3000 dead. Since then, prejudice in the States expended. More Americans regard Muslim as a terrorist or law-breaker. This is extremely unfair to the Muslims in the States.

The reasons why prejudice can never get rid of are because that stereotype maybe one of the 'first' skills children learnt in age 4-5, and they will be prejudiced in age 7 under social influence, such as some television programmes contain ethnic jokes, and racial-biased information. Thus it is extremely difficult for us to get rid of prejudice.

source: http://www.colorado.edu/conflict/peace/problem/prejdisc.htm

a butterfly landed @ 8:31 PM


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By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 20, 2007 at 12:17 AM  

I agree with your point that prejudice is a diesease we can never get rid of. Your views are well-supported by real life examples and statistics, which shows just how common and widespread prejudice is. :D

By Blogger vera, at May 21, 2007 at 7:36 PM  

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

“YouTube has no ethics, it's been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money.” Do you agree?

YouTube is a popular platform for the public to upload, view, and share video clips nowadays. One can upload video clips on the YouTube, and at the same time, allows the general public to rate the them.

Personally, I agree that the purpose for the founders to set up the 'YouTube' is solely for entertainment and money. According to a July 16, 2006 survey, 100 million clips are viewed daily on YouTube, with an additional 65,000 new videos uploaded per 24 hours. The site has almost 20 million visitors each month, according to Nielsen/NetRatings, where around 44% are female, 56% male, and the 12- to 17-year-old age group is dominant. YouTube has thus earned a large sum of profit through high viewership.

However, many people started to violate the power of technology by putting up copyrighted materials or offensive video clips on the website. For example, the Thai government has banned access to the YouTube video-uploading website after it broadcast material critical of the country's king recently. YouTube, however declined to remove the offensive 44 seconds video clip.

On the contrary, YouTube also benefits the public by providing them with useful tips and information on health and other issues. For example, some innovative video clips promote breast examination by putting the message to a popular hip-hop song. The woman singing the adapted version of the song encourages others to: “Raise your arms in the air/ check for tumours up in there/ check after your menses/ then go shop for Fendi”.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube

a butterfly landed @ 6:52 AM


I agree with your views to a cetain extent. The statistics and examples provided supports your point, however, i believe that there are still other uses YouTube is created for. There is still the beneficial side of YouTube; as can be seen from your last paragraph too. :D

By Blogger vera, at May 21, 2007 at 7:47 PM  

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hi my name is YILIN from PDG 20/07. I am currently studying in Anderson Junior College, and the reason for me to set up this blog is strictly for GP purposes. You are most welcome to visit my personal blog at http://cheerfulyilin.blogspot.com

Since this is the first entry for my GP blog, i shall introduce myself a little bit more. I am graduated from Charlton Primary school in 2002 and Xinmin Secondary School in 2006. Personally, i do think that I had made the right choices in choosing these two schools.

I enjoy playing ball games such as basketball and netball during leisure time, because i feel that through these interactive games, one can strengthen the friendship between one another. As the name for my personal blog suggests, I am a jovial girl who always look on the bright side of life. However, I do get emotional and depressed if I do badly for examinations or tests.

That is all for my self-introduction, I will post my essays and views on current issues related to government policies, family bonding, etc. Do leave your comments so that I can improve on my thinking and writing skills.

a butterfly landed @ 5:11 AM


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